Year 5

On entering Year 5 pupils take an important step in the process of becoming independent learners. With the class teacher playing a vital role in pastoral care, pupils encounter a greater number of specialist teachers and are set academically for Mathematics and English. Assessments are undertaken in most subjects at various points throughout the academic year.

A stimulating atmosphere, where the pupils feel safe and valued, enables them to meet challenges, secure in the knowledge that they will be both supported and encouraged.

Our goal is to make learning as enjoyable and relevant as possible.

Pupils participate fully in the wide variety of House competitions and many represent the school in sporting events. Opportunities exist to develop musical, artistic and sporting interests through the activity programme and Year 5 children can opt to join residential trips to an outdoor activities centre and the four-day French trip.

"Teaching across the school is successful in supporting the school's aims. It provides a nurturing environment in which all pupils are encouraged to develop their talents and confidence, and to reach their academic potential." Independent Schools Inspectorate, 2016

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