
After lessons each weekday, pupils take part in an extensive and diverse activities programme.

On Mondays all students participate in SERVICE TIME. These activities are all based around the idea of altruism and serving others. Options are CCF, Art, Music, Drama, Eco, Charity and Sports Coaching. Projects are often linked to helping in the local community.

On Wednesdays there is a programme of Inter-House Competitions. These are friendly, yet competitive between our eight houses. There is something for everyone, and all students are encouraged to want to compete for their houses or support their friends. From Pottery to Basketball, Quiz to Cake Decorating and Swimming to Drama – all carry House Points, which are totalled up at the end of each term to find out the champion boys and girls houses who ‘nail up’ in Chapel.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Year 7 and 8 have a range of activities, known as ‘Mind, Body and Soul’  Divided into groups of 10, pupils sample a huge array of academic, creative and physical activities. This is run as a carousel, so activities change every five weeks and students in the younger years will experience 24 in total. These include Philosophy, Debating, Chess, STEM, Nature, Public Speaking, School History and Pop Music. On Mondays their activities are ‘Body’ – ie sporting, where the senior students do much of the coaching in squash, badminton, ball games, invasion games and fitness.

Students in Years 9-13 choose their activities termly. They can opt for extra sport, music or drama practices, or else choose from a large variety of academic or activities such as baking, film club, Strategy Games and Fell-Running. The options are ever  changing, depending on what staff want to offer.