Learning Resources

Academic support makes an enormously positive contribution to the Prep School ethos of helping every child to achieve and fulfil their potential. Our dedicated and highly skilled team work with children to provide the extra help they need in a fun and engaging way that is non-judgmental and addresses every child’s particular and unique personal needs. Children enjoy their academic support lessons and benefit greatly from them.

English and Mathematics are the main focus of academic support, but teachers can also work with children to help them grasp specific topics from other subjects. The Prep School’s Academic Support Co-ordinator, Mr Joy, works closely with class teachers to make topics relevant to the curriculum and, likewise, class teachers can reinforce techniques used in learning support in the classroom. Learning is done typically through games and fun challenges appropriate to the child’s age and interests, for example incorporating verb work into Star Wars.

Academic support lessons are usually one-to-one, with occasional group work; academic support teachers may go into some classes to do group work. When academic support lessons are within the daily timetable, staff ensure that children do not miss the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, or their favourite subjects.

Communication with parents is extremely important and Mr Joy and his team keep parents well informed about their child’s progress, by telephone, email and via termly reports. Teachers will also offer advice on what parents can do at home to support their children.

Lessons are charged for and booked in half-termly blocks. For some children, intervention may focus on one aspect of learning and last for half a term; for other children learning support may require an on-going, longer term programme. Drawing on their expertise, teachers may pick up tendencies or issues that they consider worthy of further investigation and will arrange for testing if required. Children are able to practise their reading with learning support teachers free of charge.

Literacy Club is an extra-curricular activity that children receiving academic support can join to take part in additional fun activities.

Academic support staff:
Head of Academic Support: Mrs Wafer
Prep School Academic Support Co-ordinator: Mr N J Joy
Mrs L Rowlandson
Mrs J Pepper
EAL (English as an Additional Language)
Mrs L Nicholson

“Pupils with SEND attain in line with their peers due to systematic support and well-defined strategies communicated to teachers. Those with EAL are supported in the classroom and enabled to achieve well.” Independent Schools Inspectorate