Headmaster’s Welcome

As Headmaster it is a delight and a pleasure to welcome you to Barnard Castle School. I am fortunate that the job of giving an honest and genuine assessment of the essence of Barney is effortless, and it is an honour and a privilege to lead such a wonderful school. The school’s grounds, buildings, history and the beauty of the Teesdale setting are more than comparable to anywhere in our good land. Even more important though, is the ethos created by staff and pupils in our community. Great care is taken to provide an environment in which every person has the opportunity to flourish and be successful in their school life. These opportunities are to be found in the academic, artistic and sporting arenas for both girls and boys.

Outstanding academic results may lead to various professional careers, but pupils whose aspirations may not be wholly academic will find that they are encouraged and valued and will be successful and happy here too. All pupils benefit from the school’s most intangible, yet powerful ingredient; its ability to create an uplifting and enriching atmosphere in the most unpretentious of settings. This ensures a happy, contented but challenged cohort of pupils. The results are confident and resilient young adults, who possess humility and who are equipped with the tools and characteristics with which to face, embrace and lead in the ever-changing world we live in.

Whether you are a part of Barney’s past, present or future, there is nothing better than experiencing the School first hand. So if you have not been for a while or are thinking of joining this special place, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

With best wishes,

Tony Jackson
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