Sixth Form Common Room (SFCR) Committee AGM 2021

Last week, newcomers to Barney Sixth Form were introduced to the SFCR Committee as current members, including the outgoing Chair, presented at its AGM.
The meeting offered the Lower Sixth a more detailed insight into Sixth Form life and, crucially, the key benefits of involvement within the SFCR Committee.
Members meet regularly and are instrumental in the organisation of formals and the social aspect of Sixth Form life, as well as the School’s day-to-day operations, including having an influence in pupil lunch menus among other important initiatives.
Our attention now turns to Friday’s hustings, where members of our Lower Sixth will present to their peers as to why they believe they should be voted to a particular position on the committee. It will also provide the perfect opportunity for the entire Sixth Form to pay homage to the hard work and efforts of all outgoing committee members from 2020/2021.
All the very best of luck to each candidate.