Head of Department: Mr M P Ince
Exam board: CIE
Qualification name: History
Qualification codes: Cambridge Pre-U Principal Subject 9769
What you will study
Unit 1 (paper 1C): British History Outlines 1689-2000
In this unit we focus on British history in the period from 1886-1951. Topics include: The Conservative Ascendancy; Reform and the beginnings of the Welfare State under the Liberal governments; the First World War; the Lloyd George coalition; party politics including the General Strike; the national governments including economic problems and remedies, social issues and change, the extremes of Left and Right: and the domestic and imperial policies of the Labour governments.
Unit 2 (paper 2C): European History Outlines 1715-2000
The origins of the French Revolution, the French Revolution, Napoleon’s France, international relations, France 1815-48 and the unification of Germany.
Unit 3 (paper 5): Germany 1919-45
The formation of the Nazi Party, the early years of the Nazi Party, the rise to power 1929-33, the consolidation of power 1933-34 and Hitler’s style of dictatorship, how the Nazis controlled Germany, Nazi economic policies, Nazi racial policies, Nazi foreign policy 1933-41 and Nazi social policies.
Unit 4 (paper 6): Personal Investigation
Students will write an extended essay of 4,000 words on a topic of their choice, approved in advance by CIE. The history department will provide guidance and resources.
How you will be assessed
Paper 1C: A two-hour and 15-minute written paper (25% of Pre-U)
Essay questions.
Paper 2C: A two-hour and 15-minute written paper (25% of Pre-U)
Essay questions.
Paper 5: A two-hour written paper (25% of Pre-U)
Source-based and essay questions
Paper 6: Personal investigation (25% of Pre-U)
Structured short and extended questions based on fieldwork investigation and fieldwork skills.
Why choose History?
If you want to know the future, you must first look into the past. Striding History enables us to study the men and women who have helped shape the world we live in today. Added to this, what is there not to like about studying some of the key events in British and European history?
Course requirements
There is no requirement to have studied History at GCSE.
Related subjects at Sixth Form
History is recognised by universities and employers as being particularly rigorous. Students who study History at Barnard Castle School are equipped with a wide range of transferable skills such as the ability to interpret a range of evidence, analyse patterns and trends and write a clear and concise essay based on their interpretations. This means that History naturally complements many other subjects.
Where could this lead?
Historians will conclude the Pre-U course equipped with transferable skills that are useful for further study and employment. Comprehending source skills of inference, cross referencing and utility, as well as the ability to confidently construct a well-argued and cogent essay, are disciplines that lend themselves to a range of subjects and careers. Past student have gone on to study History, Politics, International Relations, PPE, Economics and Law.