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National Careers Week 2021 – #NCW2021

01 Mar 2021
Barney students during one of our ‘Industry Days’

Happy National Careers Week, Barney!

Once again, we are delighted to be supporting and celebrating National Careers Week (1-6 March 2021).

Over the course of the event, we will be sending out useful materials to students, including videos and links to webinars covering a range of different careers.

At Barney, we provide a holistic career support provision for students, with daily access available to those in our Community.

This includes advice and guidance from our Head of Careers, Mrs Shovlin, and Head of Higher Education, Mr Alderson, or through informative and engaging discussions from our hugely popular Sixth Form Lecture Series. Mrs Houghton, Barney’s Exams Officer, is also on hand during the day to provide additional support to pupils.

Furthermore, on Thursday March 18th, 6.30-8.30pm, we will be holding our Sixth Form Information Evening for the Year 10s, virtually on Teams.

Details about our Information Evening have been sent out to pupils and parents already, but if you require anything further, get in touch with Mrs Beadnell, Deputy Head (i/c Sixth Form), at  

Wishing you all an enjoyable and productive National Careers Week 2021.