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Christmas Eve 2020 – A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
22 Dec 2020
We are delighted to share with you our Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols from Barnard Castle School. We do hope that you and your families will be able to tune in to the service at 4.30pm on Christmas Eve.
It will premiere at 4.30pm on Christmas Eve via the following link:
Should you not be able to watch live, the service will be available to view after the premiere using the same link.
The Order of Service can also be downloaded below.
If you have a son or daughter who is interested in singing, joining one of our choirs here at Barney, or becoming a Music Scholar, we would encourage you to get in touch with the Director of Music, Mr Dawson, by sending an email to:
We would like to thank everyone involved in our Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols 2020, including Father Darren, Mr Dawson and all readers and musicians. We are also incredibly grateful to Martin Kendrick of Knight Classical Ltd and James Unwin of 360 Music, who are responsible for producing the service.
While it will never be the same as welcoming members of the Barney Community and guests to Chapel, we hope that this year’s recorded Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols brings you joy and helps you embrace the true spirit of Christmas.
Whether you are watching alone, or with family and friends, please stay safe and be assured of our thoughts and prayers for you; that 2021 may be a year of hopes fulfilled and a year when we may appreciate those things which truly matter.
We hope that at next year’s service we will be in a position to safely welcome people back to Barney.
As ever, thank you for you ongoing support and understanding. We wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.