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Barney Remembers – 11.11.2020
11 Nov 2020
Our School Community observed a safe, impeccably beautiful Remembrance Service today, as Barney paid tribute to our fallen heroes.
Headmaster Tony Jackson said: “It is wonderful to bring the entire school together for the first time in eight months, albeit outdoors, scattered across our playing fields to ensure our safety.
“Our strength is our community and this year the Remembrance service has been like no other. But while lockdown and the pandemic have been tough on families, on income, on mental health, this time of year helps bring us a sense of perspective. Not too long ago former pupils, not much older than ours, were being sent to war where they made the ultimate sacrifice, never to return.
“We must remind ourselves that we remain incredibly fortunate and it is important that we continue to remember and pay our respects to those who sacrificed themselves to leave the world a better place.”
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.