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Mr McTurk’s ‘7 in 7’ challenge
06 Apr 2021
We would like to wish Mr McTurk, Dale Housemaster and PE teacher, all the very best in his upcoming charitable challenge.
He is going to run seven marathons in seven days from 23-29 May 2021 to support a charity close to his heart, the Three Bears Foundation.
The charity aims to raise public awareness and funds for medical research and to support families affected by pancreatic cancer – one of the most under-diagnosed and least understood cancers.
Mr McTurk, who is also a semi-professional rugby player at Mowden Park RFC, will run the 182-miles in between his teaching commitments, completing a half marathon before school and another afterwards during the week and a full marathon on the first and last days of the weeklong challenge.
Several Barney students have also offered to join in with some of the running.
Mr McTurk said: “I relish a challenge and because of the impact COVID has had on sport and the rugby season, it provided an opportunity to do something meaningful, while maintaining my fitness levels.
“I tend to raise money for and support causes close to my heart, and I went to school with Three Bears’ founder, Chris Burn, whose mother tragically died from pancreatic cancer. While playing sport at school, his mother and mine became friendly and would always speak on the sideline while supporting us both.”
He added: “Mowden has been fantastic and supportive of this challenge, as well as throughout my time at the club. Likewise, Barney and my colleagues have been very accommodating and helpful with my preparations.
“It has been touching when pupils have approached me to offer to run some of the miles and have pledged money too. I hope to use the experience as a learning tool for our pupils in assemblies afterwards.”
For further information about Mr McTurk’s challenge, visit: