
In the Senior School, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all. We promote academic rigour and the rewards of endeavour, and aim to preserve the wonder of discovery and the richness that comes from developing an enthusiasm for life-long learning. We want to teach children how, rather than what to think in a friendly and welcoming classroom environment.

Our curriculum offers the range of subjects which parents would expect to find in a traditional, yet forward looking school, and more besides. English and Mathematics form the core for all pupils, enhanced by the availability of learning support lessons for those with special educational needs. As pupils progress through the school, the central core of subjects is enhanced further and choice increases in terms of options, without compromising the breadth and depth of study. Able, gifted and talented students are encouraged to pursue their own interests alongside their studies and are supported with enrichment activities and our unrivalled co-curricular programme.

The importance of independent learning is central to our curriculum, with all students in Years 7 to 11 attending up to four independent study periods every week. These supervised sessions provide opportunities for self-led study, research, reading or completing prep. For those needing a little extra help and support, each department provides tutorials between 4pm and 5pm most weekdays, when subject teachers are on hand to assist and give advice.

The school has flourishing Science, Modern Languages, Art and Music departments, as well as exceptional opportunities in Sport and further extra-curricular activities that support work in the classroom. A high quality programme of personal and social education (PSHEE) is also offered to broaden pupils’ views on contemporary issues and to engender tolerance, respect and understanding for the opinions of others.

Our overseas students benefit from the same education that is enjoyed by our UK pupils. Although they all have a good command of English, they may have English as an Additional Languge lessons to further improve their English. They study towards their Year 11 GCSE exams and, in the Sixth Form, A Levels or Pre-U alongside all the other students.

To learn more about our exciting A Barney Education curriculum, visit the link below:

A Barney Education: Senior School

Please click on the appropriate link for more information:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9

Our GCSE Options brochure can be accessed and downloaded below:

GCSE Course Information